Editora Foco is a beacon of knowledge for those on the challenging path of preparing for the OAB exam, ENEM, or public competitions. Its meticulously crafted books are synonymous with excellence and depth in the legal field, serving as a solid foundation for the dreams and aspirations of numerous candidates. However, in an increasingly interconnected world, the transition to digital has become a necessary bridge to reach even more minds thirsty for knowledge.

It was with this futuristic vision that Editora Foco approached Booknando, known for its mastery in digital conversion. The meeting of these two entities was not just an operational coincidence, but a convergence of shared values for education and access to knowledge. The mission was clear: to convert Editora Foco’s rich catalogue of books to digital format, without losing the essence and precision that characterize their publications.

Booknando, with its unwavering commitment to quality and efficiency, embarked on this journey with Editora Foco. Precision was crucial, especially when it came to legal texts with detailed footnotes. Each converted page was not just a reflection of the original text, but a commitment to the clarity and accessibility that Editora Foco’s audience had come to value.

The partnership flourished under the banner of innovation and effectiveness. The speed of delivery was not just an operational requirement, but a response to the anticipation of readers waiting for the new editions. Each month, Booknando meticulously converted the new releases to the EPUB3 format, a user-friendly format that spanned various digital distribution platforms, including Amazon.

More than 200 books were carefully transmuted into the digital domain, each carrying Editora Foco’s promise of in-depth knowledge. Editora Foco’s satisfaction was not just a testament to Booknando’s competence, but a reflection of the expanded impact that their books now had, thanks to digital accessibility.

This ongoing collaboration, which has lasted for years, is a narrative of how technical innovation, coupled with a passion for education, can not only transcend physical barriers but also create a legacy of accessible and enriching learning. The story of Booknando and Editora Foco is an ode to successful digital transformation and a bright chapter in the ongoing journey of promoting knowledge beyond conventional boundaries.

Book TypeePub3 Fluid Layout and Amazon
FeaturesLegal books with notes
Differentiator Speed and commitment to delivery
Books ProducedOver 200 books